
About Our Practice


What We Believe

We believe that everyone deserves access to stress-free, world-class eye care, regardless of who you are or where you live.

Details matter. Whether it's how we answer the phone, to providing ground-floor covered parking spaces, keeping wait times short, or making follow up calls, we make sure that your experience here is a positive one. Finally, we believe that practicing medicine in the developing world better prepares us to treat each patient in our practice as a complete person: spiritually, emotionally, and physically.


How We Work

Working together as a team to make our global mission trips happen is deeply fulfilling, re-energizing, and allows us to share stories of hope with you. Seeing miracles happen helps  keep us humble and sharpens our skills. And in return, we hope you continue to share your stories with us. We strive to connect with each patient in our practice, and help them in anyway we can. We seek operational excellence in all we do at home and abroad.

How We Work

Working together as a team to make our global mission trips happen is deeply fulfilling, reenergizing, and allows us to share stories of hope with you. We see miracles happen. This gives keeps us humble and sharpens our skills. And in return, we hope you continue to share your stories with us. We strive to connect with each patient in our practice, and help them in anyway we can. We seek operational excellence in all we do at home and abroad.


Our Team

The Global Retina Institute is made up of a group of like-minded professionals with a passion for helping people take control of their retinal health. Everyone on our team is doing their part to make an impact.

Our Core Values

Our mission work, as well as our practice work, is fueled by these six core values:


We solve problems creatively and fix what is broken.

Always Positive Intent (API):

We assume good about each other.


We'll do whatever it takes.


We follow the golden rule.


From your healthcare to our environment, we practice "do no harm."


We nurture relationships at all levels.

Insurance Plans:

  • Medicare (no advantage plans)
  • BCBS
  • Self Pay

Before Your Visit

After Your Visit